GMT components meet the demands of renewable energy plants in an efficient and sustainable way.

Before generating emission-neutral power, power plants require energy input from renewable sources such as strong wind or hydropower. High wind speed and gusts of wind result in high static and dynamic stresses in the power drive. These specific requirements in anti-vibration and sound absorbing technology are implemented in our mounting components.

GMT mounts meet these challenges by providing vibration isolation and sound absorbtion whilst providing failsafe performance and resistance to corrosion. GMT anti-vibration components significantly improve the operation within the entire power drive during the full lifetime of power plants. This allows our customers to reduce costly maintenance of their plants.

GMT products for renewable energy applications include:

rotor, drive and auxiliary unit mountings, elastic couplings, cable holders, conical mountings, buffers for switchboard mountings and decoupling elements


Here you can find our components on traceparts.